Apr 27Liked by Tintin Smith

Your audience clearly wanted to watch "Day in the Life". Why not take your own advice?

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Very fair question, I just didn't want to make much content about consulting, it wasn't interesting to me (annoyingly, as I could've done well with it!)

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Right, but are you aware that you do not follow any of the advice that you give to others?

1. "Make videos about things that your audience actually want to watch", but you refuse to give your own audience what they want - videos about consulting.

2. "If focusing too much on the title and thumbnail causes you to stop posting completely, then something has gone wrong!", yet the majority of your YouTube tutorials are on 'how to create viral titles and thumbnails with millions of views'.

3. "Actually post videos in the first place", but you have stopped posting even your "sustainable" content.

So either you are giving us bad advice, that you wouldn't take yourself, or you are giving us good advice, but for whatever reason, you think that it does not apply to you.

Again, I have to ask: if your own advice does not work for you, why share it with others?

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This has been my favorite newsletter to date Tintin, so much value in one post. Thank you, keep these coming!

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Thanks Joel!

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